Helping Hands of Goose Creek

Crisis Assistance Center & Local Food Pantry

104 B Commerce Place, Goose Creek, SC 29445

Helping Hands of Goose Creek is an emergency assistance center and food pantry serving individuals and families who are experiencing a life crisis situation. It is our mission to help these families achieve self-sufficiency regardless of the life crisis event.

How You Can Help Through St. James

Helping Hands of Goose Creek is one of the missions that our annual pumpkin patch supports. When you purchase a pumpkin from our patch you are turning pumpkins into food and water.

Our collection box for Helping Hands of Goose Creek is always located in the narthex/lobby. Please bring non-perishable food items & hygiene products and place it in the box to help those in need in our community.

Donate financially to Helping Hands of Goose Creek so that they can purchase items themselves and support these individuals and families.

July Top 10 Needs List

At the beginning of each month, Helping Hands of Goose Creek puts out a list of their top 10 items that they are in the most need of. You can help the most by donating these items.