Rise Against Hunger

A Global Movement To End Hunger By 2030

Rise Against Hunger is a growing global movement to end hunger by the year 2030. From the implementation of sustainable community development projects to our meal packaging program that harnesses the passion of local volunteers, they strive to make an impact on hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives, and responding to emergencies.

2021 Rise Against Hunger Meal Packaging Experience

St. James will once again be participating in a Rise Against Hunger Meal Packaging event. We will be packaging over 10,000 meals. This event will take place on Sunday, April 18.   As a church, we must raise $3968.68 to host this event.  You can support by giving financially towards this event, helping pay for the food and packaging supplies. Donate today, by clicking the button below.

You can also support by registering to volunteer and package meals during this event. There are two, 1-hour shifts you can sign up to serve: 12 PM - 1 PM or 2 PM - 3 PM. In order to practice social distancing, Rise Against Hunger is asking for only 25 volunteers per shift. In order to give as many people as possible the opportunity to volunteer, if you would like to volunteer we ask that you start by signing up for just one shift. If there is a need for more volunteers closer to the event, we will give you the opportunity to sign up for a second shift. Register to volunteer today, by clicking the button below.

How You Can Help Through St. James

Rise Against Hunger is one of the missions that our annual pumpkin patch supports. When you purchase a pumpkin from our patch you are turning pumpkins into food and water.

Participate in our annual meal packaging event. On Sunday, February 9, 2020, 72 participants got together at St. James UMC to package 10,000+ meals for Rise Against Hunger. It took only 1.5 hours to package so many meals and to make an impact in the lives of so many.

Donate financially to Rise Against Hunger so that they can empower communities, nourish lives, and respond to emergencies.